A Message from Our First Anti-Basileus!

Membership in Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. is a lifelong journey and commitment. The Eta Sigma Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. prides itself on welcoming new members of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences because we understand that diversity and true sisterhood is what makes us such a dynamic chapter.  Our current membership of nearly 50 Sorors ranges in age from 22 to 55 and includes educated women from many different professions and walks of life.  We are a growing chapter consisting of Sorors with 30+ years of membership to newly inducted members. These Sorors include those who immediately transfer into the chapter after graduation, transferred from other chapters, and Sorors who have recently reactivated.  Our chapter membership includes several entities Charter Members, Life Members, Rubies, Legacies, Poodles in Boots, and Regional Undergraduates.

The Eta Sigma Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. is commited to our illustrious founders’ mission to enhance the quality of life for women and children.  To continue the progression of our mission, we induct new members yearly to expand the work of Sigma in the Greenville and surrounding areas.  The Chapter host informational meetings twice per year except on years of officer change (every two years)— these informational meetings are invitation only.  Once invited to an Eta Sigma Sigma informational, ladies are educated for membership in Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. with an emphasis on the Eta Sigma Sigma Alumnae Chapter.

If you are a reactivating Soror or have recently relocated and interested in membership with the Eta Sigma Sigma Alumnae Chapter, we invite you to join us for all upcoming community service and sisterhood bonding events.

Expressing your interest in membership for the Eta Sigma Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. can take place throughout the year. If you are interested in joining this illustrious organization, please complete the Membership Inquiry Form listed below or contact a member of the Eta Sigma Sigma Chapter.

Kendra McKinney, M.Ed.

First Anti-Basileus
Eta Sigma Sigma Alumnae Chapter
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.



New members of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. are accepted on both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Potential graduate members must hold a degree from a four-year accredited educational institution.

A woman may be admitted for membership in an undergraduate chapter only while in attendance at a four-year accredited college or university, once they submit proof of intention to enter and obtain a degree from a four-year school.

Candidates may be accepted for undergraduate membership after successfully completing one quarter, semester, or trimester. The cumulative grade point average required for membership is 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale).

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. does not tolerate hazing of any form. Hazing is wrong, prohibited, and unauthorized.


For transferring and returning Sorors, we warmly welcome you to join our activities and community service. For further membership advisory, please complete the Membership Inquiry Form at the bottom of this page. 


We offer membership on the graduate level to those women who have achieved a bachelors’ degree from an accredited four-year institution. Interested women should complete the Membership Inquiry Form at the bottom of this page.

Additionally, we highly recommend interested women attend informational teas, programs, and social events conducted by the Eta Sigma Sigma Alumnae Chapter.  

Undergraduate Membership

Candidates may be accepted for undergraduate membership after successfully completing one quarter, semester, or trimester. The cumulative grade point average required for membership is 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale). All membership intake initiatives are subjective to comply with your academic institution’s policies.  

Eta Sigma Sigma currently advises two undergraduate chapters Nu Chi (Lander University) and Mu Psi (Clemson University). We encourage those seeking Undergraduate Membership to complete the Membership Inquiry Form at the bottom of this page. 


Membership Inquiry Form

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